Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building your house on the rock (Recipe: Vegetable Manchurian)

We are all aware of the story of the two men who build houses in Mathew 7: 24-27:

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

Recently on reading this portion, the Lord revealed to me an aspect of this parable that has escaped me every time I have read it earlier. If building a house is likened to our spiritual walk, then we need to understand that both these men were on spiritual paths. They were both building houses. Jesus says here that anyone who hears his words and incorporates them in his spiritual walk is like a man who is building his eternity on solid foundation. His pursuit of eternal life and a firm relationship with God is then based on the unshakable rock that is the word of God! Meaning, he not only hears the word of God, he also acts on it!

Even merely hearing these words of Jesus are meant to produce faith as we see in

Romans 10: 17: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

We are also aware that faith by itself is not effective, as we see in

James 2: 17: In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

So unless if we live our lives or pursue our spiritual walk as per Jesus’ instructions, then whatever attacks we may face, we will be unmoved, unshakable and indestructible!

However, if we only hear the words of Jesus, but do not act on them in our spiritual walk, we are quite likely to be disappointed in the end!

You see both men were building houses that they believed would stand in a storm and offer them security. Which is similar to two people who believe they are living Christian lives, and are protected because of their faith in Jesus. But unless that walk is in obedience to the word of God and visible by their deeds, that foundation is shaky! They may very well be disappointed in the end when they’re lives are ripped open by storms and waves….when their whole Christian walk seems to have been ineffective and pointless. At that point, if they are wondering how is it that their spiritual lives have been destroyed despite believing in Jesus, they would need to realize it was not built on the foundation of obedience to his words, but just on hearing or knowing those words!
Let us pray to the Lord to give us the strength and guidance to always be obedient to Jesus’ words so that our walk with God is built on a solid rock which will not be shaken no matter how much the enemy attacks!

Vegetable Manchurian


Thinly Grated Carrot – 2
Thinly Grated Cabbage – 500gms
Finely diced Spring onion – 3 bulbs
Chopped spring onion – 3 bulbs
Salt – as required
Pepper – as required
Corn flour – 6 tablespoons
Plain flour – 4 tablespoons
Diced Green chilly – 2
Spring onion stems – 3
Diced garlic – 6 pods
Soy Sauce – 3 Tablespoons
Chicken Stock – 1 cup
Water – as required
Oil – as required


1.Squeeze out the water from the grated carrot and cabbage and place in a bowl. To this add the diced spring onion, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of corn flour and 4 tablespoons of plain flour.

2.To this, add very little water gradually as required to form a consistency that allows you to roll this mixture into small balls.

3.Deep or Shallow fry these balls in a frying pan.

4.Heat 3 Tablespoons of oil in a dish, add the diced garlic and sauté till raw smell subsides. Then add diced green chilly, followed by the chopped spring onions and stir for a minute or so. Pour in the soy sauce, followed by chicken stock.

5.To this, add the fried balls. Mix 4 tablespoons of corn flour in ¼ cup of cold water and pour into the gravy when it boils. Let it boil for around 2 minutes or till the gravy gets thicker in consistency.

6.Garnish with chopped spring onion stems and serve hot.

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