Friday, October 8, 2010

Eating with Jesus (Recipe: Sausage Quiche)

It’s been a very long break for me, with health issues, relocation/dislocation …but am hoping that by God’s grace, I would be able to keep this steady from now on…

Today I would like to talk about the references to food and eating in God’s word. Recently when I heard a very commonly used verse, the Lord revealed to me a significance that I had never seen before.

Revelations 3: 20: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

So when the Lord says, I will come in and eat with you and you with me, what does this mean? I mean we all pretty much focus on the first part of the verse, Jesus is knocking at the door of our lives, and he can only come in if we open the door….but how often have we paused to think about the dining part? To understand the meaning of this dinner invitation, we need to see what Jesus refers to as food.

Matthew 4: 4: Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”.

The word of God is also referred to as food here, not just bread but every word that proceeds from God’s mouth. So when Jesus talks about coming into our lives and eating with us, He appears to promising us the ability to better digest God’s word, that when He comes into our lives, we are able to sit with him and eat with him, or be nourished by the word of God. Here we see the significance of spending time with Jesus, it is not enough to invite him into your life, you also need to make the time to sit and eat with him! How subtly does God say this in Revelation, that he not only wants to come in, but he also wants to eat with us!

Another important factor we need to understand is that Jesus talks about eating here, not drinking. You see, a mature adult, eats his food, but a baby drinks his milk. Let’s take a look at

1 Peter 2:2: Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation

Wow! So there is a time when we are newborn babies in the spirit, where we must crave spiritual milk, that is when our understanding of God’s word is limited to the obvious messages. However, we are required to grow in our salvation, even as Jesus mentions, we must be able to eat from the word of God at some point. Most of the time after we come to salvation, we read the Bible and take the obvious messages from it, like the beatitudes, or two main commandments, or the morals from Jesus’ parables….but once we have gained the basic understanding of these portions, we stop, assuming that this was all we had to receive from the word. We need to grow, mature in our spiritual walk, stop drinking milk, but start eating, gain a deeper understanding of the things of God. God’s word has a different message almost every time you read, if we are ready to hunger for that deeper message. When that hunger is manifested, it shows that we are no longer babies, but growing into adults, ready for heavier food, ready for the deeper things, ready to eat with Jesus….

Let us pray to the Lord that he may help us grow from babies into mature adults, who don’t just drink the obvious truths from God’s word, but those that are ready to eat the solid food of God’s word.

Recipe for Sausage Quiche


Medium size Beef sausages – 4
Eggs – 6
Chopped Tomato – 2
Diced Onion – 1 Medium size
Sliced Mushroom – 1 cup
Shredded cheese – 1 cup
Chopped Coriander leaves – ½ cup
Diced Green chilly – 2 (optional)
Diced Garlic – 4 pods
Oil – 2 Tablespoons
Frozen Puff pastry – 1 sheet
Salt & Pepper – as required


A quiche tray would be ideal, otherwise a slightly shallow, round baking dish would suffice.


1.Defrost Frozen Pastry Sheet. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

2.Spray oil into the baking pan, then place the pastry sheet into the pan, stretching it out from the center to fully cover the base of the pan as well as the edges, tearing off any excess corners. Be careful not to tear holes in the pastry.

3.Shallow fry or grill sausages and slice them up.

4.In a frying pan, heat a little oil, sauté garlic till light brow, add onions and fry till golden brown, to this add mushrooms and sauté well till they begin to brown as well. Add green chilly, followed by the cooked sausages, turn off flame.

5.In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs, add salt and pepper according to taste.

6.Take the baking pan lined with pastry, spread the sausage mix onto the pastry. Then pour in the beaten eggs, followed by the grated cheese. Finally finish off with chopped coriander leaves and bake for 35-40 minutes.

7.Allow it to cool for 10 minutes before slicing up and serving warm.

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