Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chosen (Recipe: Prawn Date Pickle – borrowed from my best friend Ani!)

How often do we think about the calling of God on our lives? How much time do we spend in contemplating how incredibly fortunate we are to be the chosen of God? Do you realize that before God decided to set creation in motion, HE CHOSE YOU? The Bible says in

Ephesians 1: 4: even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.

Wow! Before the foundation of the world! So before he formed the earth, before the waters covered it, before he moved over the waters…..God was sitting and thinking about YOU! This much love I cannot imagine anyone having for me!

So do we live like we are loved and chosen by God? Billions of people in the world, but God chose YOU. Jesus thought of your name and said to himself, I am going to die for Sindu, so that Sindu can be with me forever and no one can separate her from me! You put your name in that sentence and see the love the Saviour has for you!

John 15: 16: You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

How interesting is this! Why were we chosen? To bear fruit…..and why should we bear fruit? Without bearing fruit that lasts, we cannot receive from the Father!

In one of my earlier entries I spoke about the fruits of the Spirit, and how we could bear those fruits in our lives….by continuously being connected to and lead by the Holy Spirit. When we are lead by God’s spirit, we will live lives that will bear fruit. We see this in

Romans 8: 5: For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

We were chosen before the world came into being, to live by the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that moved over the waters during creation, bearing lasting fruits of the Holy Spirit so that we cud be connected to God in such an incredible way by which He would answer whenever we called upon Him! What an intricate plan for someone as insignificant as me!

Let us pray to the Lord that we can truly abide in his Holy Spirit, bearing the fruits and fulfilling the plan for which we were chosen from the beginning of time!

Today let me give you a recipe that my best friend Ani gave me! It’s her mom’s famous prawn date pickle! Am putting it in her own words as she sent to me…

Prawn Date Pickle:


Cleaned Prawns – 1 kg
Ripe Dates – 50gms
Ginger - garlic paste – 3 Tablespoons
Finely chopped green chilly – 5
Finely chopped Curry leaves – 3 stalks
Turmeric powder – 1 ½ teaspoon
Red chilly powder – 1 ½ teaspoon (more if you want hotter)
Vinegar – 1 ½ cup
Salt – as required
Mustard seeds – 1 ¼ teaspoon
Sesame or Mustard oil – as required


1.Fry prawns coated in ½ teaspoon turmeric and ½ teaspoon red chilly powder as well as some salt, drain and keep aside.

2.In the remaining oil sputter 1 teaspoon mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add ground ginger and garlic, fry well.

3.Now add green chilly along with. red chilly powder after switching off the flame. If the oil is too hot the chilly powder will get burnt .The chilly powder should not change its colour .It should be bright red.

4.Now add prawns into it and cook on a very low fire for 10 minutes.

5.Meanwhile prepare the ripe dates by taking out the seeds and washing it in ½ cup vinegar. Throw the vinegar out and put the dates in the blender along with another cup of vinegar and grind it.

6.Add this to the prawn masala and mix well. Add salt according to taste. Finally add ¼ teaspoon ground mustard seeds to it .Let it cool and then bottle it up once it’s cold.

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