Friday, March 5, 2010

Spiritual Gifts (Recipe: Spring Rolls)

We have been looking into the Holy Spirit for a few entries now. Today’s post follows along the same lines as well. What are spiritual gifts, and who should receive them? Are they accessible to all? I believe so, at least that’s what the Bible says in

1 Corinthians 14: 1: Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.

Now the instructions are very clear here, to do things in love and to eagerly want spiritual gifts. We are all asked to desire spiritual gifts! This is not just for preachers, pastors or ministers….this is for the body of Christ. All of us and each of us! But what are spiritual gifts for? What is the purpose of receiving these gifts? Or more importantly, to whom does God give these gifts? To everyone who asks? Probably, but only after He is sure that you are asking for the right reasons! We understand what the purpose of spiritual gifts is in
1 Corinthians 12: 4 – 7: There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Wow! Look at that last line! The manifestation of the Spirit…through these gifts…is given for the COMMON GOOD. So these gifts are given so that the person having the gift can use it to bless others with it! Basically, the blessing is given to you, so that you can bless others with it! This means that, unless you have the heart of a servant, the heart to serve others and the heart to want to bless others, God cannot give you these Spiritual gifts! Unless we have the hunger to serve God, to bless others because of our love for the Lord, we cannot be deemed responsible enough to possess these precious gifts. What is the point of giving your 10 year old son a car, when you know that he clearly cannot drive it? He may want it, but that does not mean he is ready for it! When he is old enough to drive in a few years, then you will let him drive a car. Our wait for these spiritual gifts are very similar, it may come to you in a month, in a year or maybe longer, but how we spent that time will make all the difference in receiving. Your son will go for driving lessons and driving tests to qualify to drive that car, for however long it takes to get him there. In the same way, we must keep asking, keep preparing and keep expecting, only then can God see that you are earnest and strong in your desire for these gifts. If you ask for the gift of prophecy and pray about it for 2 weeks, see that nothing’s happening, so give up and not mention it again, assuming God does not want to give it to you, then you have lost out on your spiritual gift. No matter how long it takes to receive, you keep pressing for it in prayer!

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us our level of maturity in the spirit. It is clear that we must ask for these spiritual gifts, so when we ask, let us also ask the Holy Spirit to show us what needs to be changed in our attitudes, hearts and lives to be ready to receive these gifts!

Today’s recipe is another popular appetizer or snack….Spring rolls!

Spring Rolls


Frozen Spring roll pastry – 20 sheets
Thinly sliced cabbage – 250gms
Grated carrots – 250 gms
Chicken breast – 150 gms
Soy Sauce – 1 teaspoon
Salt – as required
Pepper – as required
Oil – 2 tablespoons
Oil for frying – as required


1.Boil chicken breast in water till cooked, then cool and shred to small pieces.

2.In a frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons of oil, add shredded chicken, soy sauce and sauté.

3.Squeeze water out of sliced cabbage and add to the frying pan. Stir till cabbage is soft but not translucent.

4.Squeeze water out of grated carrot and add to the frying pan. Stir till carrot is soft and slightly cooked.

5.Add salt and pepper as per your taste.

6.Defrost spring roll pastry 20 minutes before preparation. Peel a sheet off and place it on a flat surface, with one edge pointing towards you (like a diamond shape). Drop a tablespoon full of the prepared mixture 2 inches from the pastry edge closest to you and roll the pastry half way, then tuck in the two sides towards the center and keep rolling till you reach the edge. Wet the edge with a little water and stick it on to the rolled up pastry.

7.These can be fried immediately or frozen to be fried later. This can be served with ketchup or sweet chilly sauce.

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