Monday, February 15, 2010

The Circle of Kindness (Recipe: Channa Masala)

Most of us struggle in our daily encounters with people. A lot of people I know feel particularly stressed about colleagues or bosses. Many of us also have touchy temperaments when it comes to our family, be it our parents, husbands/wives and particularly our children (guilty!). Shall we consider today what the Bible tells us to do in managing these issues?

Well to begin with, let me quote the all time famous verse:

Mathew 7: 12: So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…

We can change the way people affect us by making a conscious effort to change the way we affect others. The Bible clearly shows that this is a cycle of sorts, if your good to someone, then others will be good to you or if you give to others, then you will receive likewise and so on…

So let start our days with the prayer that as Children of the Almighty and fellow heirs with Christ, we can bless the people we come across in our daily lives and not just tolerate them!

Proverbs 16: 24 says Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

How powerful! When we are kind and patient with others, when we bless others with our loving words, we satisfy their souls and even release physical healing into their lives. A lot of us may not yet be equipped with spiritual gifts of healing but here the Bible shows us another way of releasing healing to others. To those of us who struggle with not having a strong enough anointing to bless others with, this offers a simple means of making that happen by releasing kind and loving words that can not only heal the soul but as the Word of God assures, the body as well!

So if you want some sweetness for your soul and healing in your body, start spreading that kindness around asap! If you want to have better days…..nothing can guarantee that more than surrounding yourself with satisfied souls, be it at work or at home! So let’s put on our kindness gear and spread the love like Jesus asks us to! This of course does not come that easily to all of us, however, as 1 Corinthians 15: 57 tells us, ‘But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’

I thought we’d go with something spicy for today’s recipe, this is one of my favourite vegetarian recipes:

Channa Masala

Cooked Channa (Garbanzo beans – these are bigger than traditional Chick Peas) – 300gms
Diced Onion – 1
Diced Tomato – 1
Tomato Paste – 2 Tablespoons (Not Ketchup)
Oil – 3-4 Tablespoons
Sugar – 1 Tablespoon
Green chilly - 2-3 (depending on the level of hotness you prefer)
Cumin seeds- 1 Tablespoon
Cumin Powder – 1/4 Teaspoon
Coriander Powder – 1 Tablespoon
Turmeric Powder - ½ Teaspoon
Chilly Powder – ½ Teaspoon
Ginger-Garlic Paste – 1 Tablespoon
Potato (boiled and mashed) – 1 Large or 2 small
Water- 1 cup
Salt – as per taste
Coriander Leaves (chopped) – 4 Tablespoons (the more the better)


1.Heat oil in a cooking pot, add the cumin seeds and sauté, followed by the ginger garlic paste.

2.When the raw smell of the ginger-garlic subsides, add green chilly as well as diced onions and sauté till onions are golden brown.

3.Turn off the flame and add Cumin powder, Coriander powder, Turmeric powder and Chilly powder.

4.Restart the flame, sauté the onions in the spices, now add diced tomatoes and stir around till tomatoes appear soft or well cooked.

5.Add tomato paste, sugar and water, mix well. Now add mashed potatoes and cooked channa to this and let it boil covered till it reaches the required consistency…if you like it more runny, then not too long but if you like it thicker, then long enough to attain that consistency.

6.Add salt as per your taste, garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

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