Friday, February 26, 2010

Favored! (Recipe: Bready Cheese Bombs)

The favor of God over our lives can make a huge difference in everything we do. It impacts our lives and the lives of those we come in contact with as well! The favor of God is so amazing that when you have it, even if you make mistakes, they can be made out to become blessings! There’s no going wrong when you have the favor of God!

A good example of this can be found with Abraham. In Genesis 12:10-20, we see how Abram and Sarai, had to go to Egypt because of a famine in the land that he was living in. Now Sarai, his wife was an extremely beautiful woman, and Abram was afraid that if he confessed Sarai to be his wife, Pharaoh would have him killed to take her for himself. So our smart man Abram lies to Pharaoh that Sarai is his sister, which then allows Pharaoh to take Sarai to his palace as one of his women. Now Pharaoh, very pleased with his new acquisition started showering Abram with gifts like livestock and servants. But then God afflicted Pharaoh’s household with plagues!

What a strange reaction from God isn’t it? Abram is the one who lied and gave up his wife to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh seems to be getting punished! When Pharaoh realizes what’s happening, he asks Abram to take Sarai and leave with everything he has. This means, Abram gets his wife back, plus all the gifts he got from Pharaoh. Let’s take a closer look at this….Abram lies, gives up his wife Sarai to Pharaoh, even accepts gifts from Pharaoh on this account, but Pharaoh gets punished by God for this, and in the end Abram walks away scot free with his wife and Pharaoh’s stuff!

How interesting is this! That’s favor! When God has favored you, He helps you correct your mistakes and even brings blessings out of them. No wonder the Bible says in Romans 8: 31: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Apparently, not even Kings! Another very significant point to note here is that his name is still Abram! This is the favor Abram enjoyed from God even before a covenant was established and his name changed to Abraham. At this point, all Abram had on his side was not even a covenant with God, but only an act of obedience! Abram had obeyed God and left his home to head to where God promised him a new home! Obedience to God can win His favor.

Let’s sincerely pray for the humility and wisdom to obey God according to His word. In doing this, we would have paved the way for his favor on our lives! Now who doesn’t want some of that favor?!

How about a nice snack for today’s recipe?

Bready Cheese Bombs


White toast – 6 slices
Water – as required
Plain flour – 2 Tablespoons
Shredded cheddar cheese – 3 Tablespoons
Shredded mozzarella cheese – 3 Tablespoons
Powdered parmesan cheese – 1 Tablespoon
Chopped coriander leaves – 2 Tablespoons
Pepper powder – 1 teaspoon
Salt – as required
Oil – as required for deep frying


1.Soak the bread slices in water for 1 minute, then squeeze out the water and put the bread in a bowl.

2.To the bread add flour, the three cheeses, coriander leaves, pepper, salt and knead well to form a sticky dough.

3.Heat oil in a frying pan, roll the dough into golf ball sizes and fry till deep golden brown.

4.Serve with chilly sauce or sweet chilly sauce.

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