Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Never Alone (Recipe: Corn Fritters)

All of us go through days and moments that leave us feeling all alone. Even though we’re literally not alone, maybe we’re with our family, in a crowded office, in a shopping mall, in church or a crowded room and quite ironically, we are capable of feeling alone. The reason for this is that it is not possible to literally share what we are going through. Our problems are unique to us, no one else can experience what we do no matter how much we try to convey this with words or how big a tantrum we throw! No one else, except the Lord that is, the word says in

1 Samuel 16: 7: For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."

The Lord can experience your heart, how much more closer can someone get to you? You are never alone, because the Lord knows exactly what your heart feels. You can never be lonely because not only are your feelings known exactly to the Lord but he is right by your side as well. There are sooooo many verses in the bible that vouch for this so I don’t feel it necessary to quote them all, but I will pick out one of my favourites:

Matthew 28: 20: …behold, I am with you always, even to the end of age.

Wow! Jesus was pretty good with words right? When we read his promises, they always seem to be dripping with love and has a way of making us feel love in a way no human can give. So why not let this love take over our feelings? Our loneliness when facing our problems makes us irritable and react to the people around us in a negative way many times. Next time we feel a bout of ‘no one understands me’, lets remember Jesus very much does and is holding your hand to blot out that loneliness. There is nothing you can feel that he has not felt on that cross, he made sure of it, just so that he could get you through it.

Isaiah 53: 5: But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.

How deep is that? Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace….so when he has already borne it, why are you carrying this burden again? We no longer walk with drooping shoulders and heavy minds, we walk hand in hand with Jesus, leaning on him as he holds us closely to his heart!

Am keeping the recipe for today really simple….

Corn Fritters

Corn kernels – 250gms
Corn flour – 2 Tablespoons
Plain flour – 125gms
Diced Green chilly – 1
Chopped Coriander leaves – 2 Tablespoons
Water- as required
Oil – as required
Salt – as required


1.Heat sufficient oil to deep fry the fritters in a frying pan.

2.Mix the corn, corn flour, plain flour, green chilly, salt, coriander leaves and enough water in a bowl to form a thick paste-like consistency.

3.Use a tablespoon to measure out spoonfuls of the mixture into the heated oil. Turn over the fritters to brown both sides. Fry till golden brown. Serve hot with tomato ketchup or sweet chilly sauce.

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